IF - Electricity
RoboBoi - Robot Bull the shit machine of the eletric age

EXTRA: Vote robot bull
If you like you can click here and vote robot bull for the best t-shirt. If i win they'll put robot bull t-shirt for sale plus i'll get some money and be very thankfull to you:)
There's a very short form to be filled but it's in portuguese, here's the translation of the form in the given order: name; username; email; desired password; confirm password; gender - woman(moça) man(rapaz) - URL - Fashion Frase

EXTRA: Vote robot bull

There's a very short form to be filled but it's in portuguese, here's the translation of the form in the given order: name; username; email; desired password; confirm password; gender - woman(moça) man(rapaz) - URL - Fashion Frase
Very nice drawing.
The Edsel of his day
Depois acessa lá:
Awesome robotboi´s purpose and T-shirt. Please don´t blow up your brains but I must say: You have a nice "fashion feeling". Now you got to do your own samoan pattern ;)
Ei zomba!
Parabéns pelo seu aniversário de 59 anos e 5 dias. hehehe.
Eu me lembrei no dia mas não deu pra mandar uma mensagem. Tudo de bom pra vc!
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